What is Wiki Hosting and when one should opt for Wiki Hosting?

Wiki hosting is used to generate content and bases of knowledge. It helps to expand ideas and other topics through updates, revisions and adding more to the information already available via virtual means anytime. They all have separate domains. Wiki hosting is also used to publish content, share documents, connect with people and create communities.

Web Hosting, Wiki Hosting, Hosting Learning, Hosting Tips

Wiki hosting supplies users with a simple way to build a knowledge database that can be edited by assigned individuals or other visitors. Wiki hosting is known as a professional collaboration solution. It facilitates its users with such tools that make it easier to communicate within a community. The workers are given the access to the vital contact tools. It also helps in building a wiki website which allows people to create a single resource that covers a specific topic about which they are passionate about.

The website can be given a specific theme to match the respective topic and multiple users can contribute to single wiki. It provides a built in search bar which helps the visitors find a specific topic of their interest. Editing of items can be done just by a single click through wiki hosting. Users can also control the advertisements displayed on their wiki pages. It is specially created to make it easier for anyone to collaborate making the work more efficient, find solutions or come up with new concepts quickly and easily. Wiki hosting is usually used to compile a list of pages on any subject or theme so that people can edit and update or find information on the topic they need. It can also be referred as as a service where any business can host his own workspace to manage certain projects and work together. On a website hosted by wiki, several people can interact in the same workspace and adjust the happening and content on it. One can find one of the best communities on the internet on Wiki hosting websites. It is very popular because it is the only hosting service which allows one to work with friends and co — workers on the same documents, share data and files instantly. One can register to companies that host wiki for free or a reasonable price. It is very useful to register with such companies as it allows easy usage of the website and one doesn’t has to face the problems of understanding or using complex programs and systems like Ruby, Apache, PHP or SQL. Hence, it becomes the duty of the Wiki Host to serve you with all the facilities and make your business grow. There are various kinds of Wiki Hosting services. List of such hosting services available are as follows :-

1. @Wiki (AtWiki)
2. Fri host
3. GForge
4. Intodit
5. MemeBot
6. MyWikis
7. OddWiki
8. Shout wiki
9. Source Forge
10. Tiddly Spot
11. Wet Paint
12. Wiki
13. Wikidot
14. Wiki — site.com
15. Wiki spaces
16. Wiki spot
17. Wiki.yt
19. Edit.this.info

These different categories of Wiki Hosting services are also known as Wiki Farm servers but shouldn’t be confused with Wiki “families” i.e. a group of Wikis which are located on a common server. Wiki farms could be non-commercial or commercial and both can be found online for the usage and benefit of the people.

The Wiki farms or wiki hosts are area great advantage as prior to their discovery and usage, people had to install and manage the necessary software themselves. 


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