Windows Server vs UNIX/Linux

Unix Hosting, Linux Hosting, Web Hosting, Hosting, Hosting Guides

Choosing between Windows server, Linux and UNIX can be a difficult task. Each has their own distinct features and functionality that can cater to the different needs of each individual out there.

What is Windows server?

The Windows server is basically a server operating system that was created by Microsoft. With Windows server, it can provide you with easy management with the help of its interface. It also supports major web programming languages as well as databases such as MySQL, PHP, MS SQL and ASP.NET.

Why choose Windows Server?

If you will use Windows server, there are a number of benefits that you will enjoy. The Windows server was exclusively developed and offered by Microsoft, thus continuous support and updates are provided. Individuals who are already familiar with Windows will find it easy to use the Windows server. Majority of users utilizing the Microsoft server hosting utilize the Active Server Pages (ASP) technology. Apparently, this is the main reason why a lot of individuals are turning to Windows server hosting. Additionally, users can even develop a website utilizing the interface of Microsoft tools such as Visual Interdev, Microsoft FrontPage and Microsoft Access. With the help of ASP, you can easily develop a website that is driven by a database utilizing Microsoft Access or Microsoft SQL as the database.

Drawbacks of Windows server

If compared to UNIX, Windows server requires a lot of system resources. It is important to utilize a powerful machine if you want to run Windows server efficiently. In terms of stability, Windows server was not able to garner a good standing. For those who are using the Windows server hosting, additional costs will be allotted for the development tools that are mostly Microsoft products. The price of the applications that you use on your website can cost higher than UNIX.

Difference between Windows server and UNIX

Both UNIX and Microsoft server are operating systems. The Windows server and UNIX are mainly utilized as enterprise application servers that are vital for various purposes including, but not limited to email, web and even database hosting. The Windows server was created by Microsoft thus gaining the head role in their software solutions. As for UNIX, it was considered as an open system in which its source code is available to the public. Just take note that both operating systems are ideal for web hosting. It is important to learn the differences between the two so that you can choose wisely.

◈ Windows server is capable of supporting majority of Microsoft products including Microsoft FrontPage.
◈ Windows server supports Active Server Pages (ASP) which is a well-known programming that enables you to construct database-driven and dynamic web pages.
◈ Most of the CGI programs available online were developed on UNIX platforms, thus they are easily installed under UNIX.

Why Linux is better than Windows server

It cannot be denied that Linux is ideally suited to be used as a server than Windows. Understandably, it stands out from Windows server in various ways.

◈ Stability is the main aspect that makes Linux the ideal option since it can run for years without any failure. In reality, majority of Linux users never experienced a crash. Linux is also capable of handling numerous processes at once. In terms of rebooting, changes in the configurations in Windows server would require one while Linux will not require any restarting anymore. This is due to the fact that changes in the configurations in Linux are carried out even if the system is running.

◈ Since Linux is based on UNIX, it was designed as a multi-user operating system. It is only the administrator or root user who enjoys administrative privileges, thus keeping the security level high. Another aspect of security is that Linux is attacked at a lesser rate by malware and viruses.

◈ In terms of the hardware, Windows require regular hardware updates to comply with its resource demands. As for Linux, it is scalable and flexible, allowing it to perform seamlessly on any computer regardless of the machine architecture.

◈ Linux is generally free while the enterprise version that includes corporate support is relatively affordable than Windows server.

◈ If Linux is chosen, there are no commercial vendors enticing you to try out certain products. You have the freedom to choose what works best for your business.

Due to the advantages provided by Linux, it is the reason why it is utilized by organizations, governments and large-scale companies all over the world.


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