
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2018

Drupal vs Joomla: In Search of the Best CMS

While WordPress powers a whopping 24% of all websites on the Internet, it’s certainly not the only open source content management system (CMS) available. In fact, there are two highly effective software platforms, Joomla and Drupal, that warrant great attention when considering a CMS for your website. With Joomla raking in over nearly 50 million downloads and Drupal housing more than 1,000,000 elite websites, these powerhouses are worth investing the time to see which platform will best serve your business and site goals. Although each CMS provides the basic functions of adding, deleting, publishing, and storing various types of content, each tool has different strong points and weaknesses which should be explored prior to making your final decision.  The purpose here is to provide a comprehensive overview of Drupal vs Joomla to give you clarity for your next (or current) business website.  Joomla Joomla is becoming an increasingly popular content management system.   Actually, after

Internal vs. External: What’s the Best Choice for Intranet Hosting?

With our years of experience in web hosting, we’ve found that intranets can be a challenge. But before we discuss hosting intranets any further, let’s define “intranet” in layman’s terms, because even this old term seems to have morphed into various definitions over the years. What is an Intranet? Traditionally, an intranet is thought of as a private and restricted internal Web-based site and/or network that is only accessible to users within an organization. Since intranet traffic is limited only to an organizations users, they are often hosted internally, within the company’s private network, but this is not always the case. Intranets are quite often hosted externally in companies that don't have the IT staff or infrastructure to run them internally (some consider an externally hosted intranet a contradiction in terms, preferring to call it a “secured Internet site”). There are many companies who have a lot to gain from an intranet but neither have nor want the overhead that come

Plesk or cPanel: Which is the Best Control Panel?

One of the most important features of your web hosting service is your control panel – the tool that enables you to administer your website. Whilst there are many control panels available, including a range of own-brand panels developed by web hosts, the two most popular ones are Plesk and cPanel. They are, essentially, the Android and Apple of the control panel market. In this post, we’ll compare both applications so that if you are given a choice over which one to choose, you can make a more informed decision. Originally introduced back in 1996, cPanel is a much-loved platform used on millions of websites and is frequently included in many Linux shared hosting packages as well as being used for dedicated servers and cloud hosting. For those who have access to their server, cPanel often comes with WHM (Web Host Manager) a sister program that acts as a server administration interface. Plesk was launched in 2001 and, like cPanel, has come to be a dominant force in the control panel mar

Cloud Hosting Vs. File Servers: A Pros And Cons Analysis

With cloud computing well into the mainstream and steadily replacing roles currently filled by traditional server architecture, it’s time to ask the big question: can cloud hosting replace traditional file servers for storing and sharing files between employees in your organization? Serving, sharing, and storing files was probably the very reason many small and midsize companies built out their intranet infrastructure in the first place, and may still be the only reason that many companies have a server in their office or are renting server space. And as the workforce became more mobile, these servers took on the additional duties of sharing your internal files with employees on the road or working from home, even though they may not have always been designed for those functions. Cloud hosting, on the other hand, was born from a networked world with sharing, collaboration, and mobility being key considerations from the very beginning. Despite only being a relatively recent technologica