Difference between Shared hosting and WordPress hosting

Hosting is the most important part of your website. By now we all know what hosting means and there are a variety of hosting plans most commonly being Shared hosting , VPS hosting and Dedicated hosting . You have to make sure that you choose the right hosting plans according to your use and business. Hosting plans can influence your websites earnings and traffic. The aim of today’s article is to know the difference between Shared hosting and WordPress hosting. Shared hosting means many websites are hosted on one physical server. This is the most common type of hosting that is used by start-ups and small business. The Ram, CPU, etc. are on sharing basis, therefore the name “shared”. Whereas, WordPress hosting, as the name suggests, is specially designed and optimized for WordPress websites. Let us look at some points that differentiate the two. 1. Cost In shared hosting, everything is on sharing basis and there are many websites on one server, therefore it is the cheapest of all the ho...