The role of your Domain Name & Web Host in SEO

Everyone wants their websites to be SEO friendly . Efficient Search Engine Optimization(SEO) helps to increase your page rankings and the end result is web users viewing your website. But SEO is no magic wand that one waves; it’s not like pulling a rabbit out of a hat. It is absolutely necessary to understand how and why it works. Before that let’s try to label the components that go into making a website online. Domains have always been associated with plots of land. People buy domains and sell them with an intent of making profits. In other words, domains are considered to be the real estate of the internet. Top Level Domains (TLDs) form the very foundation of your website because they are used in URLs to identify the web page. Keep that analogy aside for the moment and assume that your website is a feature film that needs to be screened. A theater is the most obvious venue that comes to your mind in order to screen your movie; a no-brainer. Thus, the cinema theater is nothing b...